Most early, industrial machines are now also equipped with a particulate filter (DPF). The purpose of this is to get the exhaust gases to pass through and collect the soot particles. This is good for the environment, of course, but there are often disadvantages for the engine as well.

Particulate matter is temporarily stored in the diesel particulate filter (DPF). The regeneration process occurs periodically after a certain number of hours if the filter becomes saturated. It is measured using pressure sensors before and after the diesel particulate filter (DPF). During this process, the particulate matter is burned at a high temperature. To achieve this, a significant amount of diesel fuel needs to be injected into the diesel particulate filter (DPF). Indeed, regeneration is the process of burning and eliminating the accumulated particulate matter at extremely high temperatures. One drawback is that it negatively affects fuel consumption. Generally, regeneration occurs automatically during operation.

Common problems:

– When the engine is barely able to reach operating temperature, combustion is less than optimal and the emission of soot particles increases. As a result, the particulate filter becomes saturated more quickly and at an earlier stage.

Since the engine does not reach operating temperature, the particulate filter reaches a temperature that is too low to initiate the regeneration process. As a result, the DPF filter becomes clogged. This reduces engine power, and the computer displays an error. Service may perform forced regeneration to burn off the trapped soot in the DPF filter. Repeated or delayed intervention can cause damage to the particulate filter. This significantly shortens the lifespan of the diesel particulate filter. The cost of a complete replacement of the particulate filter can amount to thousands of euros. We offer a solution for programming the particulate filter. We reprogram the diesel particulate filter system in the software and also disable the regeneration process. The cost of diesel particulate filter programming depends on the brand and type of the machine. To do so, please contact us. We have programming solutions for nearly 99% of agricultural and industrial machinery units.