AgroTuningPro is a chip tuning service with extensive experience in programming industrial, commercial, and agricultural machinery.

We only use licensed, professional programming and diagnostic equipment from leading tuning companies such as Allientech, Dimsport, EVC, Jaltest, Magpro, Autotuner to ensure high-quality and safe programming for our clients. We perform individual calibration and chiptuning of eco-systems, ensuring the quality of our programs for each customer.

Where do we learn all of this? Analizējot motora moduļu dokumentāciju un salīdzinot dažādas programmatūras versijas, kuras izgatavojuši rūpnīcas inženieri.

When choosing a chiptuning company to entrust your machinery to, remember that quality work comes with its own price. Do not fall for cheap solutions that many companies offer these days, as fixing the issues later can be complex and more expensive.

Agro tuning pro